

Music Maker

Music Maker by Paul D’Arcy, oil on canvas , 60 x 40 cm. Dedicated to all those musicians who spend hours in bedrooms picking and strumming guitars to describe our inner thoughts. Your music connects the world. #commissionapainting #artinireland #irishart #irishartist #Skerries #irishmusic #worldmusic #pauldarcy #pauldarcyartist #oilpainting #artistpauldarcy #irishart #visualartistsireland #rte_culture #irishtimes #skerriesnews #artinireland #fingalartsoffice


Limestone and bronze sculpture

The Chosen One by Paul D’Arcy Limestone & Bronze 120 x 40 x 40 cm (including plinth) Available to purchase #limestonesculpture #bronzesculpture #artistpauldarcy #irishart #skerries


Poetry Book cover of Eamon Mc Guinness

Delighted all round! My ‘Billowing Clouds’ painting is being used for the front cover of Eamon Mc Guinness’s debut book of poetry ‘The Wrong Heroes’. Eamon will be reading online at the Fingal Poetry Festival this coming week from his book to mark the occasion. @TheFingalPoetryFestival #thefingalpoetryfestival  #skerriesnews #fingalartsoffice

Visiting the ancestors

Great day visiting my ancestral home on the River Boyne, County Meath artistpauldarcy #visitmeath Today friends and I visited my ancestral home on the river Boyne in county Meath. A place I have not visited since I was a teenager, when our family use to picnic here. The castle was built for the D’Arcy family …

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Preparing a new painting

Development of a new painting #commissionapainting #landscapepainting #artinireland #saveourplanet #oilpainting #artistpauldarcy #irishart #Skerries


Orange Seller – Marrakesh, Morocco

Oil on Panel . . 55 X 30  cm  (21 X 11  inches)  by Paul D’Arcy This is a painting done in Morocco a couple of years ago. A very interesting place to visit and full of colour.


Sea Change Generation

The painting is in honor of the first youth generation to make a global statement that has changed the world. Both in terms of initiating a positive mind shift in social and environmental conscientious which has effected political change. It is the first time this has ever happened. It deserves to be celebrated because of …

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