Garden Priest

  Garden Priest is drawn from the idea of a protector of nature. As a work I have combined the power of Easter Island sculpture and drawn on Celtic spiritualism based in nature.

Shelbourne hotel portrait commission

I’m starting a very interesting double portrait commission set in the Shelbourne Hotel’s most famous room. The Constitution Suite is where the Irish Constitution was drafted in 1922 under the leadership of Michael Collins. The room boasts luxurious silk wall coverings, crystal chandelier and views over St. Stephen’s Green. You just never know where your …

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Plein air in Skerries

You just have to love Skerries … out and about painting in Skerries this morning .. thought I was in the south of France.

Artist Stories – Fingal County Council

Fingal county council have just released a video of yours truly and the making of the Skerries Seals. It’s part of their Fingal artists series – a great honour and a big thank you to all those who made it happen …. Martin, Ollie, Derek, Warren and Fingal CoCo Arts department.

Commissioned Portrait Drawing

This is a commissioned portrait drawing of well known Balbriggan man , Michael Horan. Who has had a long association with Balbriggan Credit Union.

Oscar at the Millbank Theatre , Rush

How time flies by … my Millbank Theatre sculpture ‘Oscar’ is ten years old today. I remember being up in the lounge of the theatre in Rush on a beautiful summers day just like today, when it was christened ‘Oscar’ by the lovely Moya Mackle. Here’s to you Moya where ever you are    

Towing the Line

“Towing the Line” On exhibit as part of the Rush Harbour Festival this coming August Bank Holiday. This is part of a series of paintings completed when I was studying the work of Spanish artist Joan Miro for a year …… an artist learns a lot more about themselves and their craft when they do …

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