Rush sand dunes

Painting among the Rush sand dunes on the south beach. Great fun and some times a bit windy but that’s all part of the fun of painting outdoors!

Watching out for Dad

This painting is a beautiful composition because it portrays the intimate connection between this mother and her children. Painting is on show at the Denis Collins Gallery Wexford as part of the Opera Festival 2016

Water Carrier

‘Water Carrier’ is a sculpture of mine that conveys the precious nature of water. The concept is that only 1mm of water can be held in the Limestone bowl and the rest of the water flows from the bowl down into the earth.

Sleeping Giants Proposal

Available to view online and  download …………………   The proposal is also available to read at Skerries Library , Skerries News office and the Community Centre.   We look forward to you attending the next public meeting which will be announced soon. Plenty of notice will be given through various local print and online media. We look forward …

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Swallows next to my studio window

Neighbourhood is getting pretty built up now 🙂 Day 1 of new neighbours moving in next to my studio window and my old friend ‘Harry’ swallow does not seem too impressed!!

Sleeping Giants – Public Meeting

A community information night is to be held, in association with Skerries Chamber Commerce, this coming Monday 21st March at 8:30 pm in the Bus Bar, Skerries. The presentation will outline my Sleeping Giant rock sculpture proposal for Red Island; which consists of three natural rock features being subtly transformed to resemble ’Sleeping Giants’. The …

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